Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Bit Hacks You Must Know

it hacks are ingenious little programming tricks that manipulate integers in a smart and efficient manner. Instead of performing some operation (such as counting the 1 bits in an integer) by looping over individual bits, these programming hacks do the same but in a tricky way.
This post assumes that you know about the following bitwise operations and some C/C++ language.
  1. & : Bitwise AND
  2. ||   : Bitwise OR
  3. ^  : Bitwise XOR
  4. ~  : Bitwise NOT
  5. <<: Bitwise Shift Left
  6. >> : Bitwise Shift Right
I’m taking the size of each variable as 8 bit, where the first bit is b0 and last bit (MSB) is b7.

Let’s go ahead with some bit hacks.

Check if the integer is even or odd

if ((a & 1) == 0) {
a is even
else {
a is odd
The righmost or zeroth bit of odd number is always set. Checking the rightmost bit only will do if we want to find out that a is even or odd.

Turn off the rightmost 1-bit

b = a & (a - 1)
If x is even, then x – 1 will be odd and vice versa too. This is gonna unset the zeroth bit. Why? The rightmost bit of odd number is always set.

Test if the n-th bit is set

if (a & (1 << n)) {
n-th bit is set
else {
n-th bit is not set
1 is left shifted n times and then anded with a, do a example paper run, and you will get it better.

Set the n-th bit

b = a | (1 << n)
Shift left 1 n times or it with a and then put it into a new variable b.

Unset the nth bit

b = a | ~(1 << n)
Shift 1 n times left, complement it or it with a and then put it into a new variable b.

Toggle the n-th bit

b = a ^ (1 << n)
Shift left 1 n times, xor it with a and assign it to a new variable.

Uppercase to lower case letter

"CAPITAL LETTER" XOR " " = small letter
Xoring with space i.e., ” “, will give you lowercase letter.

If a integer is power of 2

b = a && !(a & (a - 1));
Check a and a – 1 is 0, and AND the result with a, to check that a is not zero and some power of 2.